Marine Finds Out That His Girlfriend Is Cheating

While he was there he received a letter from his girlfriend.
“Dear John, I can no longer continue our relationship. The distance between us is too great. I must confess that I have cheated on you twice, and this situation is not fair for either of us.
I'm really sorry.
Love, Elizabeth
– P.S
Please return the picture you have of me”
The Marine, his feelings hurt, asked his fellow Marines for any snapshots they had of mothers, sisters, girlfriends, cousins, ex-girlfriends, or aunts.
After a while he had obtained a sizeable collection, and so he stuffed all 35 of them into an envelope, including the picture of Elizabeth, along with this letter:
“Elizabeth, I can't quite remember which one you are.
Please take your picture from the pile and return the rest.
Take care, John”