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A Blonde Wants A Pair Of Alligator Shoes

A Blonde Wants A Pair Of Alligator Shoes

A blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana.

She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes, but didn't want to pay the high prices.

After unsuccessfully haggling with of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde said angrily, “Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator, so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!”

The shopkeeper smiled and replied, “Go ahead! Try to catch a really big one while you're at it!”

Later that day while on his way home, the shopkeeper spotted the young woman standing waist deep in a swamp, shotgun in hand.

He stopped to look, and just then he saw an enormous alligator swimming toward the blonde.

She took aim at the alligator, and BAM! She scored a perfect bulls-eye, and with some effort managed to haul the alligator onto the swamp bank.

The shopkeeper suddenly noticed that several more of the dead creatures were lying around the blonde.

The shopkeeper watched in amazement as the blonde flipped the alligator on its back and shouted in frustration,

“Damn, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!”




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Afrika DiliAlmancaArapçaArnavutçaAzericeBaskçaBelarusçaBengalceBoşnakçaBulgarcaBurmacaCava DiliCebuanoÇekçeChichevaÇince BasitÇince EskiDancaEndonezya DiliErmeniceEsperantocaEstonyacaFarsçaFelemenkçeFilipinceFinceFransızcaFrizon DiliGalceGaliçyacaGücerat DiliGürcüceHabeşçeHaiti Creole DiliHausa DiliHavai DiliHintçeHırvatçaHmong DiliHosaİbraniceİgbo DiliİngilizceİrlandacaİspanyolcaİsveçceİtalyancaİzlandacaJaponcaKamboçyacaKannadaKatalancaKazakçaKırgızcaKoreceKorsika DiliKürtçeKuzey İskoç DiliLaocaLatinceLehçeLetoncaLitvanyacaLüksemburgcaMacarcaMadagaskar DiliMakedoncaMalayalamMalezya DiliMalta DiliMaori DiliMarathiMoğolcaNepalceNorveççeÖzbekçePencap DiliPeştucaPortekizceRumenceRusçaSamoacaSesotho DiliSeylancaShonaSintSırpçaSlovakçaSlovenceSomaliceSundanizceSvahili DiliTacikceTamilTay diliTelugu DiliTürkçeUkraynacaUrducaVietnamcaYidceYorubaYunancaZulu

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